On March 1, 2018, New York state has moved forward with the strongest cybersecurity regulations in the United States. All banks, financial institutions and other investment organizations who transact business with the public must have a cybersecurity officer as part of their information technology staff.
The New York regulations are nationwide because all national banks and investment offices have major branches in New York. Companies who fail to comply with this regulation will be subject to fines, which range up to 1% of assets. The 1% of assets is a large number. For example banks licensed in New York managing one trillion dollars of assets could be fined up to ten billion dollars for simply not having a cybersecurity officer as part of their staff.
Becoming a cybersecurity officer can be accomplished with proper certification and training. The best path for a financial industry cybersecurity career in this field is to first become a network administrator and then add the cybersecurity certifications to your existing credentials.
Let’s breakdown each certification down one by one.
1. Begin with the CompTIA A+ certification, which qualifies the holder to repair, maintain, install and configure computers plus devices on a network. This certification is completed in less than two months.
2. Microsoft’s MCSE or Microsoft certified Solutions Expert. This certification, which is completed in six months entitles the holder to install, maintain, configure and secure a corporate server, which is the large computer on a network distributing programs to all workstations.
3. Your next certification is the Cisco Certified Network Associate or CCNA, which qualifies the holder to install, configure and secure a corporate router. This certification is usually finished in six weeks.
4. You are now a junior level network administrator. Your first cyber security certification is the CompTIA Security +, which entitles the holder to secure a network against cyberattacks and teach other employees about cyber security. This certification is completed in six weeks.
5. The next certification is the Certified Ethical Hacker, which is completed in six weeks. This course teaches you to think like a hacker so you can defend your organization against cyberattacks. The certification allows you to have access to the latest attacks committed by hackers and how you can defend against them.
6 Your final certification is your CompTIA Linux +, which teaches you how to use the Linux operating system. Organizations large and small use Linux in the background because the operating system is difficult for hackers to penetrate and attack.
After completing these certifications, which will take you about one year, you can apply for a position in cybersecurity. The US labor department has stated that jobs will grow at an average rate of 15% a year up through 2030. This career offers strong job security, good benefits and a chance to earn an excellent living doing what you love.
If you are interested in obtaining a promising career in the fast growing field of cybersecurity, contact ABCO Technology. You can reach our campus between 9 AM and 6 PM Monday through Friday. Call our campus today at: (310) 216-3067.
Email your questions to: info@abcotechnology.edu
Financial aid is available to all students who qualify for funding.
ABCO Technology is located at:
11222 South La Cienega Blvd. STE #588
Los Angeles, Ca. 90304
Cybersecurity is an exploding jobs field. Train and certify for a position today!