Know about MCSE & Network Administrators
Microsoft still dominates the corporate server market by controlling major use in over 80% of corporate servers throughout the country.
The Microsoft certification to handle corporate servers is the Microsoft Certified Systems Expert or MCSE 2016. This certification covers onsite and cloud operations. The MCSE 2016 is completed with candidates passing four exams.
Passing the first exam will provide its holder with the Microsoft Certified Systems Professional. Passing the third exam provides a second certificate of Microsoft Certified Systems Associate. Finally after passing that all important fourth exam, candidates are granted that coveted MCSE 2016.
In 2018, millions of companies are upgrading their servers to run on Microsoft’s 2016 software. The cloud is now a major factor in corporate networks. Server upgrades run in cycles. The main upgrade cycle for software after a major software release comes about two years after the first introduction of the new operating system. Companies use special depreciation schedules with respect to software upgrades. When they can no longer depreciate the last version of their software and documented significant improvements have been made, companies will decide to spend money for that all important upgrade. At this point in the cycle, new job opportunities open up for candidates holding the Microsoft MCSE 2016.
In Los Angeles, the Chamber of Commerce estimates approximately 15,000 companies will be looking for candidates holding the MCSE 2016.
If you are interested in a career in the field of network administration, it’s time for you to obtain that all important MCSE 2016. Your skills will be in demand after you pass that important fourth exam.
Call ABCO Technology today to learn more about these opportunities.
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