Optimizing for voice search

“Hey Siri, remind me to invent you in 30 years”

In 1987, Apple came up with the idea of a “Knowledge Navigator”. You can see the full video online, but it’s a concept that’s remarkably – and perhaps, not coincidentally – similar to our modern smart device assistants, Siri among them.

Its features included a talking screen, reacting to vocal commands to provide information and sort calendars.

In theory, we’re there, 30 years later – though the reality doesn’t always exactly match up to the dream.

Even when it does work, voice hasn’t always been precisely what people were looking for. The thing most adults said they wish their voice search systems could do was find their car keys (though teens said they most wished it could send them pizza).

Although we’re getting to the stage where that’s possible now, the majority of developments in voice have been voice search – talking to your phone to find out information.

Showing search results for “Why can’t you understand me, you silly phone”

But while talking to a device can be a better experience than playing around with a virtual keyboard on a phone or a physical one on a computer, there are two major issues with voice search.

The first is that it’s still clunky. Half the time you have to repeat yourself in order to be understood, particularly if the word you’re trying to get across is slang or an abbreviation of some sort, which is to say, the default sort of language you’d think would be fitting for “conversational” search.

It doesn’t feel smooth, and it doesn’t feel effortless – and that actually removes the point of it.

The other is that it simply doesn’t add value. A voice search isn’t achieving anything you couldn’t do by simply typing in the same thing.

But recently, we’ve seen developments to the voice control industry, starting with Alexa. At this point, everyone’s familiar with the Echo and its younger sibling, the Echo Dot – it’s been in adverts, our friends have it, maybe we have it ourselves.

The Alexa devices were among Amazon’s best-selling products in 2016, especially around Christmas, and the trend doesn’t show significant signs of slowing. But if we’ve had Siri since 2011, why is Alexa picking up so much traction now?

The answer is that it’s not voice search. It’s voice commands. Alexa is more exciting and satisfying for users because it provides an action – you speak to it and something happens. You now can order a pizza – or an Uber, or a dollhouse.

That’s what people have been wanting from their devices – the ability to control the world around them by talking to it, not just have an alternative to a keyboard.

Ultimately, the commands are more personal. You can go on a website and order a pizza, and you can customize it and pay for it and it’ll show up, but talking to Alexa is akin to saying to your friend “Order a pizza?” (Except Alexa won’t stop mid-phone call to ask you what the other topping you wanted was).

Where the majority of mobile voice commands are used for search, Alexa’s use cases are dominated by home control – 34% of users have Alexa play music, just under 31% get her to play with the lights, and 24.5% use it as a timer.

While Siri and the Google Voice Search system are both examples of narrow AI like the Echo, they make much more limited use of its capabilities – compared to Alexa, Google is not OK, and Siri can say goodbye.

“OK Google – who would win in a fight, you or Alexa?”

Alexa’s success has put Google into catch-up mode, and they have been making some progress in the form of Google Home. Early reviews suggest that it might actually be the better product – but it lacks the market momentum of the Amazon product, and it seems unlikely that the sales will be on an even footing for a while yet.

However, Google does have the advantage of some high-end technology, namely Alphabet DeepMind.

DeepMind itself is the company name, but the more familiar connection is the technology the company produces. DeepMind is responsible for the program AlphaGo that beat the world’s foremost Go player 4 – 1, as well as a neural network that can learn how to play video games with the same approach as humans do.

DeepMind can offer Google systems their machine learning experience – which means that Google Home technology might have more room to start leaning towards Deep AI in the future. Your device will be able to start adapting itself to your needs – just don’t ask it to open the pod bay doors.

“Watson – what wine would you recommend with this?”

The other major contender in the AI race has only just started dipping into the B2C commercial market, and not nearly to the same scale as Alexa or Google Home.

IBM Watson has, however, won Jeopardy!, as well as found places in healthcare, teaching, and weather forecasting – essentially, absorbing a great deal of information and adapting it for different uses.

Watson is now used by The North Face, for example, to offer contextual shopping through conversational search. Users answer questions, and Watson suggests products based on the answers.

Likewise, Bear Naked uses Watson to “taste test” their customized granola system for the user, so once you’ve designed your meal, it can tell you if you might want to cut back on the chocolate chips.

AI is a competitive market – and it’s a market synergizing with conversational and voice search to bring us ever closer to the computer from Star Trek, and even beyond it.

For now, however, narrow AI is the market – and that means optimizing sites for it.

Voice search means that people are searching more conversationally than they used to. The best way to accommodate that in your SEO strategy is to give maximum attention to your long-tail keywords, especially the questions.

Questions are opportunities best met with in-depth, mobile-friendly guides that offer information to your customers and clients.

But this also applies when it comes to using apps in the way that Alexa and Google Home do. People aren’t just making voice searches now – they’re also making voice commands.

With that in mind, to rank for some of these long-tail keywords, you need to start optimizing for action phrases and Google-approved AI commands like “search for [KEYWORD] on [APP]”, as well as carefully managing your API, if you have one. And it is worth having one, in order that you can integrate fully with these new devices.

You can break down the structure of common questions in your industry to optimize your long-tail keywords for devices.

You’ll also need to look into deep-linking to optimize your apps for search. Deep-linking allows searchers to see listings from an app directly on search, and open the app from those search rankings, making for a smoother user experience.

Search results show your app data and link directly into the app

This is only going to become more important over time – Google has recently announced that they’re opening up their technology, “Instant Apps”, to all developers.

Instant Apps mean that if the user doesn’t have the app, it can “stream” the page from the app anyway. It’s not a stretch to imagine that before long Alexa won’t need Skills to complete commands – so long as you’ve properly set up your API to work with search.

Siri, likewise, already has SiriKit, which allows developers to build markup into their apps that Siri can read.

“Alexa – What’s the Best Way to Deal with AI?”

Voice search is a growing part of the search industry. But it’s not the biggest opportunity of it.

Rather, companies should be focusing on integrating voice actions into their strategy – by deep-linking their apps, ranking for long-tail keyword questions, and making sure everything they want a customer can do, they can do with their voice.

The Internet is filled with countless business opportunities. If you want to learn how these opportunities will benefit your working life, contact ABCO Technology. You can reach our campus by telephone between the business hours of 9 AM to 6 PM Monday through Friday. Call us at: (310) 216-3067.


Email your questions to: info@abcotechnology.edu
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Making off page SEO work for you.

When you analyze aspects of improving your SEO, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?

Maybe you contemplate rewriting your web copy to rank better for certain keywords, creating new posts for your blog, or making sure your website is structured in a logical format.

All of these are important aspects of ranking well in search engines, but they aren’t the only ways you can optimize your web presence. If you want to rank better and get more traffic, you need to improve your off-page SEO, as well. This guide will help you get started.

So, what exactly is off-page SEO?

In the simplest terms, off-page SEO encompasses all the aspects of SEO that occur outside your website (yes, it’s true). You can think of it as your reputation. Off-page SEO includes the things you do as well as the things other people say about you. Your social media activity, your customer service practices, and the online reviews customers leave for you on other sites are all examples of off-page SEO.

Many people think that off-page SEO is just about link-building. It’s true that, at its central base, the objective of good off-page SEO is to drive traffic to your site by earning plenty of high-quality links.

But if you just think of your strategy as a way to get more link juice, you’ll be missing a lot of the potential nuance of this topic.

Getting started with off-page SEO

Instead of focusing strictly on links, it’s better to improve your off-page SEO by working on your reputation, your authority, and your popularity. In a nutshell, your objective should be to provide excellent value and connect with as many people as possible.

This is a long-term strategy, but your patience will pay off down the road – your business will gain recognition, you’ll establish your expertise in your field, and eventually you’ll start earning links from respected sites.

With that said, there are two main ways you can start improving your off-page SEO: connecting with your target audience and networking with influencers.

#1: Connecting with your target audience

Interacting with the people who might need or want your product or service is smart, both in terms of making more sales and thus improving your SEO because of the traffic that comes with it. However, it’s important to connect with people the right way.

Consumers are savvy, and they don’t like feeling pressured to buy things. Instead of focusing on what you’re selling, which can come across as spammy, grow your following by finding ways to help other people without asking for anything in return. A few ideas include:

Stay active on social media the right way

It goes without saying, but social media is one of the best ways you can connect personally with people who might need or want your service. Figure out where your target audience spends time online (this article covers how to do so in more detail), and make sure you have accounts on those platforms.

In general, the more accounts you have, the better, but keep ROI in mind – there is obviously no point wasting time on an obscure platform most people don’t use.

Furthermore, if you don’t have the resources to manage a lot of social pages, that can end up hurting your reputation, so start with the ones that matter most, post regular updates about your business, product, or service, and engage with your customers every chance you get.

Always remember, people like to know there’s a human behind their favorite business.

Share your knowledge on forums and message boards

If your target audience spends time on sites like Quota or Reddit, create accounts there and start posting. Join interesting conversations and answer other people’s questions. Aim to provide value instead of just increasing your post count.

It’s okay to mention your business if it’s pertinent to a question – for instance, you might tell a story about how you solved a problem with a customer. Just don’t push your product or service.

Your strategy on forums should just be to build up your reputation as an authority in your field. Over time, people will start to recognize you and come to you for advice.

There are tons of people online doing a great job of this. The example below from a personal trainer is just one example of someone who answers a lot of questions, has gained followers because of it, yet doesn’t focus on self-promotion but rather just making those connections:

Be on the lookout for opportunities to create useful off-site content

You might already do content marketing with your on-site blog, but why stop there? Consider incorporating various types of content, like videos, images, and infographics, into your social media marketing and your forum posts.

It’s rare these days to see an infographic on a forum (except for maybe something like Reddit or Tumblr), but when you do, it stands out. Guest posting is also, of course, another great way to do off-site content marketing, but more on this later.
#2: Building relationships

Connecting with your target audience is essential for good off-page SEO, but it will only take you so far. To become a recognized authority, and to start earning valuable links from experts in your field, you’ll have to network, too. Here are some tips for building strong relationships.

Guest post on other people’s blogs

Guest posting is a tried-and-true strategy for getting links back to your site. But while it’s a useful way to build your link profile, that’s not the main reason you should offer a guest post.

Instead, think of guest posting as a way to forge new relationships and help people who aren’t in your circle of regular blog readers.

The problem with guest posting for links is that you might be tempted to go for quantity over quality. But writing a lot of low-quality posts on blogs that don’t get much traffic won’t actually help you that much, and depending on where you’re published, it could even damage your reputation.

Instead, pitch guest posts only when you think you have something useful to say. Choose blogs you’d be proud to appear on, and make sure your idea is a good fit by studying the style and content of the blogs you’re pitching to.

Of course, not every blog you write for has to be a household name. In fact, if you’re just starting to guest post, they almost certainly won’t be. Still, you’ll get better results (and you’ll be able to publish on the big-name blogs sooner) if you focus on making genuine connections with other bloggers and saying something of value every time you write a guest post.

Leave comments on the blogs you read regularly

If you find certain bloggers helpful or inspiring, let them know! Bloggers love it when readers leave them thoughtful comments, and commenting on a blog post is one of the easiest ways to connect with someone you admire.

Keep in mind that there’s a right way and a wrong way to comment on blogs. Take the same approach here as you would for a guest post – focus on connecting, not just on commenting for its own sake. Don’t leave generic comments, don’t link to your website or blog, and don’t comment on a post if you didn’t actually read it.

Instead, say something relevant to the post itself. Greet the blogger by name and tell them why you liked this post. Was it helpful? Thought-provoking? Tell them how you implemented their ideas, or ask a question inspired by the post.

When you interact with bloggers this way on a regular basis, they’ll start to notice and remember you. The Wired.com community seems to do this well:

Look for avenues to connect with thought leaders in your field

Leaving comments on blogs is a great way to build relationships, but it’s far from the only way. Remember those social media accounts you made? Use them to follow thought leaders and experts in your field.

Twitter, in particular, is a great way to reach out to others – it’s simple, professional, and brief enough that you don’t have to worry about bothering anyone.

Don’t forget to take advantage of offline networking opportunities, too. That’s right – your off-page SEO efforts don’t even have to involve the internet. Cyberspace makes it easy to reach out to people, but in-person networking events can be far more useful since you’re more likely to be remembered if you connect with someone in real life.

Put yourself out there by looking for some interesting conferences and meetups to attend. Start hanging out where your target audience hangs out and see how far it can take you.

The takeaway

On-page SEO is important, but it’s only half the battle if you want to maximize your success. Off-page SEO plays a huge role in building your reputation, bringing in traffic, and encouraging your target audience to choose you over your competitors.

Improving your off-page SEO is an ongoing task. Whether you’ve been working on your reputation for years or you’re just getting started, there are plenty of things you can do to connect with more people and expand your brand’s reach.

Focus on helping people out, providing useful information, and cultivating a strong network of peers and mentors. Along with a great reputation, you’ll build a profile of high-quality links that will drive more traffic to your site than ever before.

What are your favorite off-page SEO strategies? Let our class know the next time we meet.

Building powerful E-commerce websites is your key to success. A good website will improve sales for all products, services and causes. Call ABCO Technology today if you believe you want to learn this important career skill. You can reach our campus between 9 AM and 6 PM Monday through Friday at: (310) 216-3067.


Email your questions to: info@abcotechnology.edu
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Computer Repair Jobs expanding much faster than regular economy

What Is a Computer Repair Technician?

A computer repair technician resolves issues like hard drive crashes, hardware conflicts, and malfunctioning software. You major responsibilities will include repairing broken computer equipment and installing newly purchased electronics. In order to be effective in this career, you should have an extensive knowledge of how to work with many different kinds of common office technologies.
These technicians may sometimes conduct their work over the phone, walking users through issues, but hands-on repair and installation is usually completed on-site.

The table below outlines the general requirements for a career as a computer repair technician.

Education Required High school diploma; associate’s degree or certificate to specialize, with some advanced networking positions requiring a bachelor’s degree

Education Courses basic Math, physics, and computer science
Key Responsibilities Resolve computer hardware and software issues, troubleshoot potential problems, repair broken parts and equipment

Certification Professional certification optional
Job Growth (2016-2026) 12% (computer support specialists)*
Average Salary (2015) $38,990 (computer, automated teller, and office machine repairers)*

Source: *U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

What Will I Do as a Computer Repair Technician?

Computer repair technicians resolve common issues, such as crashed hard drives, malfunctioning software, and hardware conflicts. Technicians also deal with computer installation. When you work in the field, you are mostly responsible for repairing what is already broken but must also troubleshoot for potential problems and critical errors. This may include working on printers, modems, computers, software, hard drives, and memory cards.

If you are hired to work as a computer repair technician for a particular company, you might maintain your employer’s networks and computer systems. Additionally, you could help to make the company’s network more secure, assist with Web development and keep all of the operating systems running up to speed. You may also be in charge of buying and installing software, equipment, and computers.

What Salary Can I Expect to Earn?

Computer repair technicians have an employment outlook for the years of 2016-2026 that represents faster-than-average job growth when compared to all occupations, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (www.bls.gov). An anticipated 12% increase in job opportunities is expected in that decade for all computer, ATM, and equipment repairers. This could result in approximately 88,800 job openings. Advanced diagnostic technology, which allows technicians to troubleshoot issues from remote locations is decreasing the need for on-site service calls, according to the BLS. Also, when a computer has a major malfunction, consumers are more likely to replace an older version of a computer rather than hire a technician for repairs.

In May 2015, the average annual salary for computer, ATM, and office machine repair technicians was $38,990. In the District of Columbia, repairers could see an average salary of around $49,150. The other top-paying states in 2015 were California, Washington, Rhode Island, and Alaska.

What Should I Study?

High school courses in math, physics, and computer science can begin to prepare you for a position as a computer repair technician. Many employers require formal training for hires. A computer repair technician certificate program, an associate degree in computer science, or a bachelor’s degree in information systems can provide you with advanced skills in the field and can lead to more opportunities and possibly career advancement.

Where Can I Get Certified?

If you live in or near Los Angeles, California, you can get certified for computer repair at ABCO Technology. Call our campus between 9 AM and 6 PM Monday through Friday at (310) 216-3067. Email all questions to: info@abcotechnology.edu


Financial aid is available to all qualified students
Learn to repair computers today!

Where Does the Network+ certification exam Take You?

So you have studied hard and prepared for the Network + exam, along with earning your Network+ Certification; the certificate arrives in the mail and you receive that extremely-important small blue-and-white card with your name and CompTIA ID number on it.
Where do you go from this point?

One aspect of the Network+ is its merchant independent universality. Unlike earning a CCNA or MCSE, earning a Network+ certification certifies you to work as a network technician in multiple platforms; this certification is not vendor-specific, but rather, vendor-neutral. International organizations including the Merchant Marines prefer the Network+ over the MCSE for this reason. As a Network+ certified technician, you should be prepared to work on (at a basic level in the field of network support). You will service most types of networks. This exam covers the generalities of networking and not so much specific information about certain types of networks.

More immediate than being ready to work on multiple networking platforms, however, is the ability to work in multiple job functions. The Network+ Exam certifies you as a “CompTIA Certified Networking Technician,” but “help-desk specialist” is certainly not the only position open to you as a Network+ technician. Actually, there are many paths open to you, as we explore below.

This path is of course the most obvious, but there are many opportunities for advancement. Of course, there are many industry certifications that are vendor-specific available to you. In fact, Network+ counts as a credit towards some of these certifications. As a technician, you will generally be involved in troubleshooting network issues (like you will have to do on the exam!) as well as “installing” network equipment.

The network+ opens the door to jobs in the security field, which is perhaps one of the fastest growing fields of expertise in the information technology industry. Several certifications are available in the Security field, including the CompTIA Security+ certification. ‘Networking is the most integral component of information security Today. Network knowledge is a requirement to be a proficient information security specialist.

Several certifications, such as MCSA/MCSE and CCNA, have been designated specifically as “Administration” certifications. You are highly encouraged to pursue these additional vender specific courses. However, with the Network + in your resume, employers are confident that you truly have the background to handle all assigned job tasks. A network administrator is typically charged with the duty of managing day-to-day network issues, attempting to troubleshoot these issues, and maintaining a high quality of service throughout the network. The network administrator also takes flak for “what goes wrong with the network,” but is paid handsomely for this burden in many cases.

One of the best aspects of getting any certification is that it almost automatically qualifies you to at least train others in your particular discipline. A certification adds credibility to your claims of knowledge, perhaps the most important qualification for any trainer or teacher. One of the most rewarding careers following certification is not to be a tech or administrator, but rather, a trainer for future Network+ students.

Networking is invariably connected to the web services industry (especially the web and data hosting industry); your knowledge of networking can therefore be useful to a web services firm. Many web hosting companies require “live” help-desk technicians to assist with customers’ connection issues, while others need technicians to assist them with their own networking issues.

Here are some other career paths, just to name a few:
 Web/network systems development (PHP, CGI/Perl, Java)
 Networking forensics (often linked with information security)
 Networking equipment purchasing/sales specialist
 Systems Analyst (speed, bottle-necks)

Beyond the aforementioned tracks, there are still other valuable career paths available to you as a Network+ technician that you may not even consider viable options. Allow me to introduce a small personal anecdote. A friend of mine got laid off a few years back from a large corporation that will remain nameless for now.

He was Network+ certified as well as CCNA certified, and also had a great deal of experience working at the company he worked for. Yet, he took a job as a grocery store clerk at the local chain store. Today, he works at “Corporate” as one of the senior network analysts and frequently recommends networking solutions for older stores that have not been fully integrated into the company’s supply chain system. So, what seemed to be a menial offer proved to be a gateway to an even more rewarding career than the one he had prior. The point is this: never let what seems to be a “menial” job detract you from participating in what could potentially be a rewarding opportunity.

ABCO Technology offers courses in the key fields of network certification. Job placement assistance is available to all graduates who successfully pass certification exams. Call our campus today. You can reach us by phone between 9 AM and 6 PM Monday through Friday at: (310) 216-3067.


ABCO Technology is located at 11222 South La Cienega Blvd. in STE 588
Los Angeles, Ca. 90304.
Email all questions about this article :-info@abcotechnology.edu
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Network professionals are in demand. Learn to become one today!

CCNA certified candidates earn 9% more than MCSE certified network administrators

CCNA has grown to become a widely popular information technology certification in 2017. The certification’s primary focus lies on developing relevant role-based modules to match the rapid deployment of technologies in the current sophisticated networking environment. Companies both large and small are investing in new tools including infrastructure to ensure they keep up with current technologies.

As the sophisticated network process increases, there will also be a strong need to increase the level of skills, which include: security, voice and wireless. A CCNA certification means that you will have the capacity to build on the core networking skills you have acquired in network administration thanks to the highly specialized concentration paths developed by Cisco to springboard your career in both current and developing technologies. The CCNA certification will benefit the employee as well as the employer. Thanks to the valuable learning processes provided by the state-of-the art modules in networking systems offered by Cisco.

CCNA certification concentration paths

The CCNA certification concentration paths consists of three distinctive learning tracks that will equip you – the learner – with tools, skills and resources to help you work with ease and possible earn more money. Namely:
•CCNA Security
•CCNA Voice
•CCNA Wireless

CCNA Security certification involves troubleshooting as well as monitoring network devices to ensure the availability, integrity and confidentiality of data. When you become A certified CCNA Security expert, you will be qualified to work as a security administrator, network security specialist or a network support engineer. Since the rapid increase in demand for cybersecurity, Cisco has taken the lead in designing technologies to combat cyber-attacks. Network equipment manufacturers understand this fact. When companies purchase or lease computers, they are informed about Cisco’s products and technologies.

CCNA Voice certification is a course that equips networking professionals with skills in VoIP, which includes IP telephony, IP PBX, handset, voicemail solutions and call control. Some available roles that you might be hired to do could be a voice manager, voice administrator and voice engineer. Saving money through the use of a strong Internet based phone system is a major priority for organizations and businesses both large and small. This certification path creates true value for any employer who needs this set of skills.

CCNA Wireless involves using Cisco equipment in configuring, implementing and supporting wireless LANs. A wireless expert is qualified to work as a WLAN project manager and also as a wireless support specialist. WIFI is now a marketing tool for companies who are building strong customer relations. Understanding this technology creates a valuable employee.

All of the above CCNA concentration paths require that you have a basic CCNA certification together with additional networking certifications and work experience in computer repair and junior level network administration . Many students ask me if passing the CCNA Certification is really worth it for networking professionals? The following are reasons why the answer to this question is a resounding Yes!

CCNA certification concentration paths will separate the networking chaff from the wheat.

A recent survey completed by Cisco through Forrester Consultants showed that training and certification programs are a critical part in recruiting and hiring the right candidates for specialized roles in a company’s networking system. It was later noted that professional certifications tie many four-year degrees as a requirement for specific job qualifications. Vender certifications were 51% whereas four-year college degrees 49%, which makes CCNA certifications one of the determinants that employers use in the United States to separate the technical chaff from the wheat.

Would you like to learn more about how a career in network administration with Cisco certification will change your working life? If so, it’s time to contact ABCO Technology. You can reach our campus by telephone from 9 AM to 6 PM Monday through Friday at: (310) 216-3067.
Email all questions to: info@abcotechnology.edu
Financial aid is available to all students who qualify.


Join the group of networking professionals who are Cisco certified today!

The 2017 Guide to Microsoft’s best Certifications

Microsoft was the first company to offer vender certifications in the information technology industry. Don’t just take my word for it: Steve Jobs said exactly the same thing when he and Bill Gates were interviewed on stage together in 2007.

It follows that Microsoft was also one of the first companies to launch a vendor-managed training and certification program for software products. Microsoft rolled out its Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) program in 1992, with the first exams covering Windows 3.1, LAN Manager, and SQL Server.

Microsoft realized early on that linking professional certifications to specific products would enable established veterans and the new breed of IT professionals to help validate their skills with Microsoft software.

Microsoft’s meteoric growth acted as the perfect promoter for the MCP program. As Microsoft products took over the market, increasing numbers of IT pros became interested in earning an MCP credential. Microsoft expanded the MCP program to include designations targeted at specific IT job roles — database admins, network admins, and software developers.

Things became a bit difficult for the Microsoft certification program during the dot-com era. The enthusiasm for everything technology or Internet-based led to a mad gold rush for IT certifications, especially those from major industry players like Cisco, Novell and Microsoft. A glut of freshly-certified but predominantly inexperienced technocrats stormed the industry, lured by the promise of high wages, free lunches, and stock options that would make them millionaires before they were 28.

The reputation of Microsoft’s MCP program, and other vendor-managed training and certification programs, took a hit during the irrational tomfoolery of the dot-com boom and bust.

The passage of time has restored some much needed sanity and stability to the IT industry, and has also re-established an appropriate value for Microsoft certifications. There is now a much healthier relationship between Microsoft, its certified professionals, and the companies hiring these professionals to support their technical infrastructure.

Today, the Microsoft Learning program is a popular and well-respected source of IT credentials. The company has worked hard to make its certifications challenging and relevant to the IT industry. And the industry has responded.

Some quick facts from the Microsoft Learning website reinforce the value of MS certifications in the working world:

● In a survey of 900 IT networking professionals, 60% said that earning a certification led to a new job.
● Some 67 percent of IT hiring managers rate certifications as having extremely high value in validating the skills and expertise of job candidates.
● On average, Microsoft certified technologists earn 15 percent more than their uncertified peers.

The advantages granted by achieving a Microsoft certification are obvious. But which Microsoft credentials are currently in the highest demand in the industry?

To answer this question, we ran through job listings at Dice, Monster, and other large IT career sites. We consulted the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and looked at the latest numbers for projected high-growth job categories. We also consulted several information technology managers who have been hiring our students. The managers ABCO talked with have an average of ten years of managerial experience in our industry.

Here is a breakdown of our ten picks for the most in-demand Microsoft certifications. Please note that this is not a ranked list. Any of these 10 certs can impact your marketability and earning power in the current IT landscape:

Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert: Server Infrastructure

The MCSE has been a highly sought after and well-regarded industry credential since it was introduced. The acronym originally stood for Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, and the certification was primarily concerned with creating and administering Microsoft-based networks.

The MCSE has since been split into several different specializations, but the MCSE: Server Infrastructure is the certification that remains closest to its august progenitor. Fast Fact: The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (USBLS) predicts a solid 8 percent growth in employment for network and computer administrators between 2014-2024.

Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate: Windows Server 2012

The MCSA was introduced with the release of Windows 2000, and was meant to be an intermediate certification that covered mid-tier Win2K client and server support. Like the more advanced MCSE credential, the MCSA has been split into other specializations over the years. The MCSA: Windows Server 2012 certification covers installing WS2012, administering the network(s) built on it, and configuring advanced network services.

Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer: Application Lifecycle Management

The MCSD certification has been Microsoft’s premier designation for software developers over the last 15 years. The MCSD: Application Lifecycle Management credential adds some specific components taken from that particular discipline, including software testing. Fast Fact: The USBLS is predicting a strong 17 percent job growth rate for software developers between 2014-2024.

Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate: SQL Server

Years ago, Microsoft had a certification called the Microsoft Certified Database Administrator or MCDBA. This certification was eventually retired, and Microsoft’s SQL Server product was represented by different credentials here and there. Today, the MCSA: SQL Server certification is aimed at database developers and analysts working with SQL Server 2012 or 2014. (As well as, very soon, SQL Server 2016.)
Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert: Data Platform

The second MCSE certification in our list is the MCSE: Data Platform credential. It is an advanced step up from the MCSA: SQL Server designation, which is a prerequisite for this higher-tier certification. The MCSE: Data Platform certification includes more advanced emphasis on developing databases with SQL Server, as well as designing entire database solutions. Fast Fact: The 2015 median annual pay for database administrators was $81,710, according to the USBLS.

Microsoft Specialist: Windows 7

This selection may surprise some readers, but a very large contingent of government, military, and corporate enterprises are still very reliant on Windows 7 as a client OS. These organizations did not make the move to Windows 8, and they are not ready or willing to jump to Windows 10.

Microsoft retired the MCSA: Windows 7 certification, likely as a prompt to IT professionals and other stakeholders. What remains is the Microsoft Specialist: Windows 7 credential, which can be earned by passing one of three currently active exams. Fast Fact: Windows 7 is still the installed OS on more than 48 percent of all desktop PCs, according to the latest figures from Net Applications.

Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer: Web Applications

The mobile computing boom has created a massive market for web apps. Consumers can’t seem to get enough new apps, and they have high expectations for continual development and improvement. The MCSD: Web Applications certification focuses on programming in HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3. It also requires knowledge of developing software using Microsoft’s cloud computing platform, Azure.

Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert: Private Cloud

For being such an ephemeral thing, you can’t turn a corner without bumping into the Cloud. Your path to the MCSE: Private Cloud certification starts by first earning the MCSA: Windows Server 2012 credential. Candidates must then pass two exams based on working with private clouds created using Microsoft System Center 2012.

Microsoft Office Specialist

Many IT professionals look down their noses at the Microsoft Office Specialist certification, considering it to be of little value. Don’t you believe it — the MOS is a highly respected credential for entry-level and higher level employees. Fast Fact: According to research quoted by Microsoft, “Holding a MOS certification can earn an entry-level business employee as much as $16,000 more in annual salary than uncertified peers.”

Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate: Windows 10

It’s new. It’s improved. It’s Windows 10, and if Microsoft has its way — which it probably will, eventually — Windows 10 is coming to your enterprise sooner rather than later. The MCSA: Windows 10 certification will eventually become Microsoft’s premier network client OS credential. The certification is still under development as of this writing; only one of the exams is currently available, with another due to come online later in 2017.

Microsoft certifications are an excellent path for a new candidate to enter the information technology industry. ABCO Technology has experienced counselors and admissions representatives who will help you to determine, which certification path is the best one for you. Call our campus between 9 AM and 6 PM Monday through Friday. You can reach ABCO Technology by phone at: (310) 216-3067.

Email your questions to: info@abcotechnology.edu
Financial aid is available to all qualified students.


ABCO Technology has moved. We are now located at
11222 South La Cienega Blvd. STE 588
Los Angeles, Ca. 90304.
Phone: (310) 216-3067.
Call us today to get started on your new career.

Employment for Certified Ethical Hackers

Employment for Certified Ethical Hackers
Jobs available for Certified Ethical Hackers, want one?

Have you ever had thoughts of becoming a hacker, an ethical one that is the key question? The EC-Council has released a certification called Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH). Its goal is to certify security practitioners in the methodology of ethical hacking. This vendor neutral certification covers the standards and language involved in common exploits, vulnerabilities, and countermeasures.

If you have been to a bookstore in 2017, you’ve most likely seen that there is an abundance of books on hacking and “how to hack.” Until now, few organizations have worked toward quantifying ethical hacking, defining its legalities, or specifying its useful role in modern organizations. This is what the EC-Council is attempting to do with this certification. Keep reading if you want to learn more about this exciting opportunity.

Is port scanning legal?

Port scanning remains a questionable, legal subject. There is little debate that it’s usually the first step in any cyber-attack penetration. By itself, it may not constitute an attack. It’s not very different than going from house to house knocking on doors. As a question of its legality, the Georgia District Court case of “Moulton vs. VC3,” the judge declared a port scan in the case legal because it did not “impair the integrity or availability of the network.” The judge ruled that since there was no damage to the target, it could not be illegal.

Not all states, service providers, or organizations share that view. Some ISP’s will terminate the service of individuals performing port scans. Prudence is the best course of action. It’s best not to perform a port scan without the consent of the network owner. It’s interesting to note that if you search on “port scanning,” the popup ads displayed tend to be those of law firms and legal aid providers!

Why Must We Have Ethical Hackers?

Organizations must secure their IT infrastructure and networks. Just as corporations employ auditors to routinely examine financial records, so should corporations audit security policy. We have all seen the havoc that a lack of real financial audits can cause. Just as accountants perform bookkeeping audits, ethical hackers perform security audits. Without security audits and compliance controls, no real security exists. This is a big problem.

There are plenty of individuals waiting to test and probe your organization’s security stance. These individuals range from government and corporate spies, to hackers, crackers, script kiddies, or those who write and release malicious code into the wild. Their presence in your network is not a great thing!

Who Are Ethical Hackers?

An ethical hacker is most similar to a penetration tester. The ethical hacker is an individual who is employed or contracted to undertake an attempted penetration test. These individuals use the same methods employed by hackers. In case you were unsure; hacking is a felony in the United States. Ethical hackers have written authorization to probe a network. Only then is this attempted hack legal, as there is a contract between the ethical hacker and the organization. In 1995, long before today’s more stringent guidelines, one individual received 3 felony counts, 5 years’ probation, 480 hours of community service, and a $68,000 legal bill for failing to insure proper authorization. Don’t let this happen to you!

How is Ethical Hacking Performed?

Primarily, ethical hackers are employed in groups to perform penetration tests. These groups are commonly referred to as “Red Teams.” These individuals are being paid by the organization to poke, prod, and determine the overall level of security. Again, what is important here is that they have been given written permission to perform this test and have detailed boundaries to work within. Don’t be lulled into believing that the penalties for illegal penetration are low, it is a serious felony!

What is on the Test?

The Certified Ethical Hacker exam consists of 21 domains covered in 50 questions. It has a two-hour time limit. These questions are multiple choice. During the test, you are allowed to mark questions if you’re not sure of an answer and return for a later review. The format of the questions is choose one or choose all that apply. The domains were compiled to evaluate the full range of security testing. One must also demonstrate how hacker tools work and demonstrate knowledge of professional security tools, as well as how these tools are utilized. The 21 domains are as follows:

1. Ethics and Legal Issues
2. Foot printing
3. Scanning
4. Enumeration
5. System Hacking
6. Trojans and Backdoors
7. Sniffers
8. Denial of Service
9. Social Engineering
10. Session Hijacking
11. Hacking Web Servers
12. Web Application Vulnerabilities
13. Web Based Password Cracking Techniques
14. SQL Injection
15. Hacking Wireless Networks
16. Virus and Worms
17. Hacking Novell
18. Hacking Linux
19. IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots
20. Buffer Overflows
21. Cryptography

These domains comprise a full body of ethical hacking knowledge. It’s good that the exams first domain is centered on ethics and legal issues. This is an important domain. Always make sure you have written consent to perform any type of penetration test or security audit.
Want to Learn More?

There is not an all in one study guide online or review for this test at the current time. ABCO Technology offers a complete certification course, which will prepare you for this exam. ABCO Technology presents this material in a practical manner so you will acquire the needed skills to succeed in this field. If you live outside of Los Angeles, there are many ways to start obtaining the knowledge needed to pass the exam. One point of review is the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). NIST-800-42 is a good foundational document on ethical hacking. It even includes recommendations for tools intended for self-evaluation. NIST breaks penetration testing down into 4 primary stages:

Security Testing Methodologies

All security-testing methodologies have similar elements. These include: Plan, Organize, Gather Information, Test, Analyze, and Report. To learn more about security testing, review the following documents.

Octave – Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation

OSSTMM – Open Source Testing Methodology Manual

NIST sp800-26 – Self assessment guide for information technology

NIST sp800-42 – Security Testing

TRAWG – Threat and Risk Assessment Working Guide

•Planning – As the old saying goes, success is 90% preparation and 10 % perspiration. What’s the point? Good planning is the key to success. Know where you are going, what your goals are, what the time frame is, and what the limits and boundaries are!
•Discovery – This stage is broken down into two distinct phases: •Passive – During this stage, information is gathered in a very covert manner. Examples of passive information gathering include (1) surfing the organization’s Web site to mine valuable information and (2) reviewing their job openings to gain a better understanding of the technologies and equipment used by the organization.
•Active – This phase of the test is split between network scanning and host scanning. As individual networks are enumerated, they are further probed to discover all hosts, determine their open ports, and attempt to pinpoint their OS. Nmap is a popular scanning program.

•Attack – At this point, the ethical hacker will attempt to (1) Gain Access, (2) Escalate Privilege, (3) Browse the system, and finally (4) Expand influence.
•Reporting – This may be the final step listed, but it is not least in importance. Reporting and documentation should be carried out through each step of the process. This documentation will be used to compile the final report. This report will serve as the basis for corrective action. Corrective action can range from nothing more than enforcing existing policies to closing unneeded ports and adding patches and service packs.

Final Thoughts


I am glad to see the EC-Council release this certification. This is an area where continuing education is needed. Several ABCO Technology students recently took this exam, they passed, and believe the test is adequately challenging for a baseline of skills. The bottom line is that if you have some security experience, have taken the CompTIA Security + or the TICSA exam, and have an interest in penetration testing, this would be a solid career next step.
ABCO Technology offers the Certified Hacker class. If you are interested in working in a fast growing field of cyber security, it’s time to contact ABCO Technology. You can reach our campus by telephone at: (310) 216-3067 from 9 AM to 6 PM Monday through Friday.
We are located at:
11222 South La Cienega Blvd. STE # 588,
Los Angeles, Ca. 90304.
Email your questions to: info@abcotechnology.edu
Financial aid is available to all qualified students
Become a certified ethical hacker today!

Optimizing webpages for user intent.

Optimizing webpages for user intent.
basic strategies

User intent. Also known by marketers as searcher intent, is a theory that actually stands up to the more primitive pre-Penguin and Panda tactics of optimizing purely for keywords.

User intent and optimizing for it has come into being via a combination of three key important factors:
◾Latent Semantic Indexing, Hummingbird, Rankbrain. All have fantastic and mysterious sounding names but all underpinned by the fact that Google’s algorithm is made up of much more than high school algebra. Google is clever, very clever. The algorithm understands more than just the specific keywords that a user types into the search bar.
◾As a result of the aforementioned ability, people trust Google. They may not trust them as a business that will pay their fair share of tax but they trust the search engine to understand their query and as such will ask more complex questions rather than utilising pure keywords. To ‘Google’ is a verb in the Oxford English Dictionary!
◾The internet and Google (among other search engines) have made unfathomable amounts of information accessible to the masses. As a by product, Google is often the first port of call for more than just purchasing actions. More on this later.

Voice search has further raised the bar for user intent with more types of unseen searches due to the conversational nature of voice search. As such, if you are still basing your SEO strategy around keywords you should probably start to think much deeper about user intent.

Finally, and this is an important one. Optimizing for user intent is not just about providing solutions or using synonyms. The majority of SEO campaigns are built around driving revenue and whilst rankings are great and indicative of campaign success, in reality you won’t retain clients without providing ROE and ROI.

Fully optimizing for user intent requires an understanding of how your potential customers buy via your inbound marketing channels. As a result, make sure that you have identified these sales funnels as they are crucial for capitalizing on optimizing your website for user intent in search.

User intent: An overview of the basics

What is user intent? In short it is the reason why someone is searching for something in Google. What are they actually trying to achieve as a result of typing (or saying) that search term?

Traditionally, the intent has been categorized as either navigational, informational or transactional although some like to define commercial intent or use different terminology such as ‘to buy something’, ‘to do something’, ‘to find something’, ‘to learn something’, ‘to go somewhere’ and so on.

These questions or intents can then help you to identify your Buyer Personas and the stage that they are at within your inbound funnels. Again, various inbound funnels utilize different terminology, but I am a fan of Hubspot’s methodology:

How do you figure out what the user intent is behind a search term? Honestly, it’s pretty easy. Just about everyone uses Google. Put yourself in the searcher’s shoes and ask yourself, “if I used that search term, what would I be looking to do?”

Also look at the types of search results that Google returns for a given search term; this is a great indicator of the user intent that Google itself attaches to that particular query.

Focus on VALUE for the user

Even if you don’t read on, here is a very simple tip that should permeate your entire SEO strategy. Ask yourself this question:

Does what I’m doing here add value for the user and if so, how can I make it as valuable as possible?

If you are taking into account what your user is looking to achieve and therefore providing as much value for the user as possible (forget SEO and rankings for one second), you will put yourself in a great place to have a successful campaign both now and into the future.

It is the primary focus for Google as a search engine, so you should make it your focus as well!

An easy place to start is evaluating each piece of content that you are writing. Does it complete the journey that the user is taking? If not, are there quick call to actions to pages that will make your customer perform the action you want them to perform? Your content will preferably be the former, providing solutions and value directly to the searcher.

In addition, if you continue to put the user first (instead of being keyword-focused) you will naturally create better, deeper, more complex and solution led content, thus satisfying the aforementioned LSI, Hummingbird and Rankbrain. Write for search engines first and you run the risk of lowering the content quality, in turn lowering the quality of your results.

How to align your SEO strategy with user intent

Targeting transactional search terms

For years SEOs have focussed on the sharp end of the funnel. and for good reason: the search terms with transactional intent bring in revenue. Let’s be clear, these search terms should remain a staple of any website focussed on ROI.

However, there are a few optimization tips associated with transactional search terms. As above, they are all focused around value for the user:
◾How easy is it to make a purchase from that specific page?
◾Are the call to actions clear?
◾Have you provided the user with all the information required to make that purchasing decision?
◾Is the language used focused around the purchase?

As SEOs, we have to make it abundantly clear to Google that if someone types in a purchase based search term, that our page is the best result for that particular search term.

I hate to hammer it home, but it is the webpage that will complete the desired outcome for the user and therefore offer the most value.

Targeting informational search terms

This is where a sit down with your stakeholders and the drawing up of a content strategy that is aligned to your user intent (and therefore inbound funnels) can unlock serious content marketing magic.

Real results you say? Surely informational searches only result in you giving away free information? Exactly.

Let me take you all the way back to the inbound methodology and the fact that people use Google as a source of information. Creating great informational content can have the following impact:

Providing value earlier in the consumer buying process

They may be wanting to research a product or service prior to making that buying decision. The more awesome information you give them the more aligned with your brand they become. When the time comes for that purchasing decision guess who they will lean more favorably towards? Of course there is a little caveat in that all other things are equal.

Earning links

Even if no sales come as a result of your informational content (unlikely), if it is good enough it will earn links as people reference the content…actually enough to provide further value for their own users. These links will subsequently improve the authority of your website and help you rank for transactional search terms. It’s a warped digital version of karma.

Understand your user flows

This is particularly relevant for transactional and informational search terms. Top notch SEO incorporates more than just onsite optimization, content creation and link building. It should pull in all marketing channels, including design. It’s all well and good generating traffic, but it counts for nothing if the website does not convert them.

Identify your key user flows and actions that you want your users to complete on your site according to where they are in the funnel. Are they an informational searcher? The website needs to encourage them to continue their hunt for information on your website or start to transition them further down the funnel to a purchasing decision.

Really understanding user intent and user flows will only help you with your conversion rate optimization.

Adjust your appearance in search

In the same vein as design supporting CRO, your appearance in search should be aligned with the user intent. The two standard influencers here are your title tag and meta description, although additional factors such as schema markup can also be implemented.

For example, if the search term is transactional make sure that the metadata is enticing and is communicating purchase driven vocabulary. Whereas if the search term is informational make sure that it hints towards how the information on the corresponding web page will solve the searchers’ problem.

Use your outreach skills

I thought we were talking about content here? Yes, on the whole we are but there are opportunities within link building as well. Some users will turn to Google not simply to provide them with the best result, but also a list of the options available to them. Common examples of how a small change to the wording can result in this alteration to user intent are as follows:

Tailor New York City > Best Tailor New York City
Tailor New York City > Tailors New York City

The addition of an adjective or the plural version of a keyword can often result in lists being supplied by Google. Not all of the results will be these lists, but for those not already in the top results they do offer an opportunity.

Contact these sites to get listed – we saw a considerable increase in conversions by doing this for a software platform client recently.
Don’t forget local search

Mobile search vs desktop search is a mainstream conversation nowadays, with some stats showing that mobile search has a 75% chance of action being taken by the user.

With this in mind, don’t forget to optimize your local listing in order to sweep up all of the traffic (over 50% globally now) using Google via mobile devices.

Some useful tools

Keyword research is critical in identifying valuable search terms, whatever the corresponding user intent is. We have listed a few options below, hopefully you are already using these tools alongside Google’s Keyword Planner, Moz’s Keyword Explorer or whichever tool you use to look at traffic. These tools can provide content ideas that will drive your campaign:

Answer The Public

Using a who, what, when, why, how style format, Answer The Public will give you a list of search terms. Use these prompts to create content ideas.


In a similar vein to Answer the Public, Keywordtool.io will display search volumes (if you pay for it) and commonly asked questions that relate to your keywords.


Buzzsumo allows you to view the most shared pieces of content via social for a given subject. Don’t just rely on data fed to you, check how popular these subjects are in real life!

Google Autosuggest

Use Google’s own user oriented functionality to understand the commonly asked questions and search terms for a given subject. Start typing and let Google do the rest.

Impressions via Search Console

We always warn against purely using Search Console and Google Analytics data as the basis for decisions moving forward, purely because it is reactive data.

However, you can look at search terms for which you are gaining impressions but potentially a low CTR and adjust the content accordingly. It may be as simple as making your metadata more attractive in the SERPs.

Horses for courses

The base theories will have to be adapted slightly to suit your particular needs. Some businesses may focus on impulse buys where others are deemed comparison goods and will benefit more from informative, longer sales processes. It is a ‘horses for courses’ scenario.

If you understand what you are trying to achieve via your SEO campaign, the journey taken by your user during the buying process, the various relevant searcher intents and align your strategy accordingly, it will place you in a great position to increase organic traffic and also your conversion rate.

ABCO Technology offers a comprehensive program for Certified Internet Webmaster, which includes SEO and Social Media strategist. If this is an area of information technology that interests you, contact ABCO Technology. Reaching our campus is easy. Call us by telephone from 9 AM to 6 PM Monday through Friday at: (310) 216-3067.

ABCO Technology is located at 11222 South La Cienega Blvd. in STE # 588.
Los Angeles, Ca. 90304.


Email your questions to: info@abcotechnology.edu
Financial aid is available to all qualified students.
Learn to build highly successful webpages today!

Cyber Security job demand red hot

Cyber Security job demand red hot, another day, another Hack Attack

The HBO hack may have been worse than the initial leaks of a few unaired TV show episodes suggested by the network. A security company hired by HBO to scrub search results for the hacked files from search engines has told Google that the hackers stole “thousands of Home Box Office (HBO) internal company documents.”

The disclosure came as part of a DMCA take-down notice sent to Google Tuesday to force the search engine to take down links to the leaked files. For our readers who are not familiar with DMCA, it stands for the Digital millennium Copyright act, which protects copyrighted material from being illegally published.
The take-down notice also detailed that the hackers did away with “masses of copyrighted items including documents, images, videos and sound.”

The company in question, IP Echelon, is frequently being used by HBO to remove links to infringing material from Google. An HBO spokesperson declined to comment on the take-down notice and the nature of any files stolen by the hackers when contacted by several news organizations Wednesday “due to an ongoing investigation.”

Word of HBO getting hacked first broke Monday morning, when the hackers approached media outlets with the news that they had broken into HBO’s networks and released episodes of “Ballers,” “Insecure,” and “Room 104” as well as the script for an upcoming episode of “Game of Thrones.”

Also released by the hackers: Two episodes of “Barry,” the hit man comedy starring Bill Hader that is not scheduled to air until 2018 on the network.

The hackers appear to have also leaked personal information of a senior HBO executive. That information, published online in a text document, contains access information to dozens of online accounts, including paid newspaper subscriptions, online banking, and personal health services. At least one of these accounts may also have given the hackers access to the executive’s work email.

The perpetrators of the hack have claimed that they were able to access some of HBO’s key network infrastructure, and steal a total of 1.5 terabytes of data, and have suggested that they will release additional information in the near future. An image file published as part of the leaks seems to corroborate at least the first part of that claim, as it appears to show screenshots of HBO’s internal administration tools, listing employee names and email addresses and their functions within the organization.

Thousands of potentially sensitive internal documents, employee data and possible access to internal corporate emails were removed by hackers. All of this brings back memories of the famous Sony hack. Back in 2014, a group of hackers thought to have been backed by North Korea broke into the networks of Sony Pictures. The group subsequently released tens of thousands of emails, as well as scripts and video files, contributing to the ouster of Sony Pictures chief Amy Pascal.

HBO acknowledged the hack on Monday, and said that it was working with law enforcement and private firms to remedy the situation. “Data protection is a top priority at HBO, and we take seriously our responsibility to protect the data we hold,” the company said in a statement.

Cybercrimes of this type, create strong demand for cyber security professionals. Cyber security pros are becoming extremely valuable in the job market of 2017. HBO will hire additional network administrators who have cyber skills. Society is storing vast amounts of data online and that data needs to be protected.

cyber security jobs do not require a college degree, however in many cases the correct certifications will take the place of a four-year college degree. Ensuring that you receive the correct certifications, which will provide employable skills is the job of a solid ACCSC accredited computer training institution who is familiar with what it takes to join the increasing work force of cyber security professionals.

If you are interested in a career in cyber security, it’s time for you to contact ABCO Technology. You can reach our campus by telephone from 9 AM to 6 PM Monday through Friday. Call us at: (310) 216-3067.

Email your questions to: info@abcotechnology.edu
Financial aid is available to all students who qualify.
ABCO has moved to a new and modern facility located at:
11222 South La Cienega Blvd. in STE #588.
Los Angeles, Ca. 90304.

Classes are held seven days per week to accommodate those who are working during the week.


Cyber security jobs are growing fast. Train today and get one of these exciting cyber security networking positions!

Optimizing your business for Global SEO

Most online sites at some point in their business development will want to expand, and one of the most recognized tactics to accomplish this goal is by offering products to an international audience.

However, it’s not a simple task by any stretch of the imagination. This post will help you understand the risks, research and steps involved in expanding your business into a global market.

Considerations and research

Is it the right time to go international? Is there a need to go international? This question depends on your focus for the future and the current needs of the business.

If you are increasingly having visitors to your site from international locations, now may be the correct time to start implementing an international SEO strategy.

There are, of course, a few things that you need to take into account – such as:
◾Are you able to implement ALL technical fixes?
◾Do you have the resources to carry out the work and manage each variation in the future?
◾If targeting a different language, do you have a competent person to translate?
◾Is the business ready to carry out international orders and process transactions?

Once you have checked all the above, it’s essential to conduct further research. As with any new website idea or build, it’s all about making sure it’s a worthwhile venture.

One of the biggest research areas will be around keyword research to find out if there is demand in the locations that the business will be expanding into. It’s important to note that the keyword research should be done in the language you will be targeting, and location.

If all the above is confirmed and ready to go, the next stage is to plan the implementation.

Website structure

You may have seen a number of different implementations of international SEO, each having different pros and cons. I tend to lean towards using subdirectories; however, it strictly depends on the type of targeting you will be using.

These are the main structure types:
◾ccTLD – Domain variations such as example.fr, example.au
◾Sub domain – fr.example.com, au.example.com
◾Subcategory – example.com/au/, example.com/fr/

We have provided code illistrating the set up for a website using the subcategory URL structure for the UK and France. It’s important to note our main website is sitting on a .com as this tends to be the norm now. However this would work in the same way for .co.uk.

We’ve done this with variations that include both language and location, but this can be done with just language or simply location.

This would mean that we add the following code to our website:

We can also add an X-default tag to this piece of code to be safe. This will tell search engines that if there is a URL that is not using this structure that it should default to the URL specified. This would change our code snippet to:

It’s important to note that this is only for the homepage of our example website. Internal links will also need to use this code but with the URLs changed so they reference the specific URL rather than the homepage.

We have also left the homepage as a dot com because in the past we have seen drops when a site has also used the new URL structure for the homepage. If we were to change example.com to example.com/en-gb/ it would mean example.com having to pass through a redirect.

It’s much easier to do this within the CMS you are using; however, if needed you may use a bulk href lang tool.

Sitemap implementation

When people talk about using sitemaps and international SEO, they tend to be referring to implementing localization through the use of sitemaps. This is another way of accounting for different languages and countries if hreflang is not a possible solution.

The solution works in a very similar way to hreflang, but sits within a sitemap rather than in the website’s source code. We tend to only suggest using this method if hreflang is completely out of the question.

Metadata & content

We have already carried out our keyword research to find out where the demand is based on different languages, this is where new metadata needs to be used for each language variation. It’s also important that the right variation of the word is used, for example when targeting the USA from a site that uses UK or Canadian English.

The on-page content also needs to reflect the language that the user is on. If the hreflang is marked up to say the page is in French, it needs to be written in French. It sounds simple, but you would be surprised how many people get this wrong.

It’s also very important to make sure you have the in-house resource or outside help to be able to get this all done before launch. Yes, it is possible to gradually amend the content, but for users this could be extremely annoying – imagine their frustration in landing on a language they cannot understand.

As well as translating the content, it should reflect the audience you are targeting and their behaviors. User behavior varies from country to country and is something that needs to be taken into consideration when generating on-page content.

There are many differences that may not be apparent straight away. However, the best tip I can give is to not translate directly from English as what you are saying may not make any sense in another language.

It’s also highly important to take cultural differences into account when writing new content or trying to sell a product in a different market. People from different countries will look at areas of the website in different ways such as: security, payment gateways, type of language used, shopping cart structure and many others.

This is why it’s worthwhile speaking to people from the country you are trying to target and getting somebody local to write the content and provide feedback. It all comes back to doing your research beforehand.

This section is very much dependent on the type of business you run. However if you have a physical location in the new countries you will be targeting it’s very important.

Google My Business allows businesses to create a listing giving full details of their company along with the location. This will be important in building up an organic search presence in a new location. There are plenty of posts on local SEO so I won’t go into it too much here, but these are the main steps:

◾Create the location here https://www.google.co.uk/business/
◾Add as many details as possible
◾Add the address to the most relevant page on your website
◾Mark the address up with local schema
◾Obtain links from relevant websites in the area or region

Carrying out the above steps will help the new location build up a stable base of links that can be built on top. I would also suggest creating relevant social profiles and local listings if relevant.


Making sure you are fully prepared is by far the biggest step in scaling a business to target an international market. Without the correct preparation, there is a strong chance that you won’t achieve what you initially set out to do.

International SEO is not a simple process by any means and it can easily go wrong. However, if you are in the position to expand your business into an international set-up, there is lots of money to be made.

ABCO Technology offers a comprehensive program for website development, which includes search engine marketing. Call our campus between 9 AM and 6 PM Monday through Friday. You can reach us at: (310) 216-3067.


Email your questions to: info@abcotechnology.edu
Financial aid is available to all qualified students.
Learn to build international websites today!