Why CompTIA Security + is so important

How important is the CompTIA Security +

While driving to work this morning, I learned that California’s Department of Motor vehicles was hacked.  The news reported that 1.2 million federal identification cards were stolen and sent to a server in Croatia. The 1.2 million federal identification cards will be sold  to customers who will purchase them from the black market or dark web.  Croatia was the former Yugoslavia.  It is widely known in that part of the world that government officials receive kickbacks directly from the hackers who reside in their country. The kickbacks are in exchange for allowing the hacking of other foreign country websites to continue. Law enforcement will track down the country where the hackers live, but law enforcement will take no action against the hackers because they are being directly paid off.

For this reason, all government agencies including federal, state and local are now requiring their network administrators to obtain the CompTIA Security +. This certification provides the holder with a thorough knowledge of cyber-security.  The first step in understanding how to protect a network is to know when a cyber-attack is taking place.  Cyber-attacks do not act like a broken window or busted door.  The hacker first establishes a connection, then in time that connection is used to do damage.  It is also known in the information technology field that computers have 65,036 ports or channels where information can be shared or distributed.  The CompTIA Security + provides its holders with the information about the best tools and methods of monitoring the system to know when someone is attempting to establish a connection,, which will eventually turn into a cyber-attack.

Cyber-attacks will continue to increase as network access becomes easier.  The new 5G technology will create many new opportunities for good network access and along with access, cyber-attacks.

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