Database administrator jobs explode because of gun control legislation

The Florida high school shooting tragedy, which occurred on February 14, 2018 has opened debate in 38 state legislatures and the US congress. Calls for a stronger national database, which will be easily accessible to law enforcement, educators and mental health professionals is on the table for passage. The reason is simple, having accessible information about potential threats will save lives and hopefully prevent tragedies, which took place in Florida. A database will make this information accessible. Constant media reports state the information about the shooter was available, but that data wasn’t made accessible to those who could act upon the information.

A stronger database will require approximately 5,000 new database administrators to coordinate and access this information. This database will have to be able to handle and update large amounts of information, which includes responsive queries, dynamic changes and modifications in state and federal laws.

The database, which most professionals believe will be able to handle this massive amount of data is Oracle 12C. Oracle has a powerful presence in the cloud, ability to design highly secure databases and a strong continuous data backup plan, which will enable the information not to be lost in the event of a disaster.

Another strong point in favor of using Oracle is the fact that many large school districts already employ this database for record keeping. For example, the Los Angeles Unified School District, Chicago school districts and New York city use Oracle to keep track of student records. The fact Oracle is already employed means the training time for the new database will be greatly decreased.

Oracle is the database that can handle the increase in traffic, which will result from gun control legislation. This legislation will include back ground checks, domestic violence reports and mental health information, which will be available if needed.

The question many of our readers are asking concerns how to train and certify for a job as a database administrator.

Oracle has two extensive exams, which are: Oracle Certified Associate, which involves a strong knowledge of structured query language or SQL and the Oracle certified professional, which teaches installation, information back up and security of information.

Most Oracle programs are completed in six months. Students learn to install, configure, administrate, back up and secure information contained in a relational database.

After graduating from an Oracle program, candidates are required to pass two exams. The Oracle Certified Associate and the Oracle Certified Professional. After passing your certification test, it will be time to submit your application for the job of database administrator. If you have database administration skills, employers are looking for you!

If you are interested in training for a career as a database administrator, contact ABCO Technology. You can reach our campus between 9 AM and 6 PM Monday through Friday. Call today at: (310) 216-3067.

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11222 South La Cienega Blvd. STE #588
Los Angeles, Ca. 90304


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